Follow in Amazon's footsteps with Multi-factor Authentication

Staying safe and secure online
9 December 2020 by
Holly Moffitt

This week the Glo Team have been talking MFA (that's Multi-Factor Authentication)

The Glo team have been raving about Amazon's One Time Password system recently being developed for deliveries. A development that has potentially risen from this year's new and unprecedented circumstances. (Oops, we dropped the 2020 buzzword!)

Through lockdown, there has undoubtedly been an increase in online orders. With this has also come an influx of parcels being reported to not have arrived. Companies up and down the country are being faced with absorbing the cost of replacing parcels, as well as having to take photo evidence of parcels being delivered to doors.

Of course, Amazon had to be one of the first to find a solution to this newfound issue. The Multi-Factor Authentication, otherwise known as MFA or 2FA (Two-factor), is hopefully something you have set up already for your accounts to add that extra layer of security. For those that aren't aware, MFA refers to a multi-stage process of password protection that means you may have to sign in with a password followed by entering a code on another device. While this may take up a little more time to complete, the security it provides is absolutely worth it. Amazon transferred this process to its deliveries.

What does this look like? Customers will receive a one-time password to their email inbox on the day of their delivery which will remain valid till the end of the day. The customer will have to provide a password to the delivery driver on arrival to receive their parcel and complete delivery confirmation. 

Chris, Founder of Glo, commented, 'It's a great way to pass on an already existing technology that works well. As a company, we love the security of MFA and its move into the world of deliveries is no bad thing. Some people find the nature of MFA more of a bother and customer's feedback in these early stages are reflecting that. However, in the long-term, it should hopefully be integrated as a simple stage in the online sales journey.'

  Odoo • Image and Text

Tell us your thoughts

We would love to hear from you. Head over to our Twitter or LinkedIn and tell us what you think of this latest update and whether you have Multi-Factor Authentication already or if Amazon has inspired you to get cyber-savvy.

 We can all relate to the temptations of online shopping this year. With Amazon's One Time Password for their deliveries, we can make sure we safely and securely receive our orders while Amazon isn't out of pocket. Admittedly, Amazon is a huge corporation that may not miss the loss in profit in the same way smaller businesses would. However, as the trailblazer, many other businesses may follow suit and we love to see anything that can help small businesses in this especially tough economy.